
We are here with our deeper levels of IT expertise to advise and guide our clients for successful digital transformation of their organizations. Organizations that undergo digital transformation improve efficiency and profitability. According to a study study, organizations that have gone successful in digital transformation, of them 80% reported increased profits and 85% said for increased market share. On average, leaders expect 23% higher revenue growth than competitors.

Digital transformation makes organizations more agile. Having the right tech tools that work together can streamline business processes and improve productivity. By automating many manual tasks and integrating data throughout the organization, it empowers team members to work more efficiently.

Successful digital transformation is quite a daunting task for an organization. It requires many services like establishing IT infrastructure, purchasing software solutions, securing IT systems, data analytics and business intelligence, digital marketing and many more. It also requires organizations to align with the new transformation, make some bold decisions so that employees accept the transformation. According to a study, staggering 70% of digital transformation fails. Lack of digital transformation expertise is one of the key reasons for the failure. Having professionals for all new technologies and methods needs to be implemented is merely impossible. We are here for digital transformation with real experts, which means we take care of every technology-related struggle that an organization encounters.

Consulting is more than giving advice

For many different purposes an organization may seek consulting from a professional consultant. The purpose that is better understood and practiced; and is also more requested by clients is to diagnose a problem to solve. Consultants often furnish necessary information or make recommendations based on the diagnosis. Unlike many consultants, however, we aspire to assist the clients with implementation of the recommended solutions and thus permanently improving organizational effectiveness.

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Problem diagnosis and recommendations

Good consultants’ value lies in their expertise in diagnosing problems. Accurate diagnosis leads to good recommendations of problem solving. Although organizations hire consultants from outside for independent diagnosis, our approach is to include client team members assigned to the diagnosis process. They, not us, must do the detailed work. We help, we push — but they have to do it. In this way we get key insights of the organization members and diagnose strategic problems in connection with organizational issues. Clearly, when clients participate in the diagnostic process, they are more likely to acknowledge their role in problems, accept and implement the recommendations.

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Implementation of recommending actions

In most cases consultation characteristically concludes with a written report or a presentation that summarizes the recommendations in some detail about what the client should do. Consultants assume the client is responsible to implement the recommendation actions. While theoretically this may sound ok, most often the seemingly convincing reports have no real impact, because—due to constraints outside the consultant’s assumed bailiwick the recommendations can’t be implemented. In such cases each side blames the other. However, as our approach is to engage our client team members during problem diagnosis the recommending actions address all the practical problems of implementation

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Improve organizational effectiveness

The goal of digital transformation is to improve organizational effectiveness, which implies the ability to adapt future strategy and behavior to environmental change and to optimize the contribution of the organization’s human resources. Thus success of digital transformation not only depends on developing IT infrastructure or procuring tech tools but also requires client team members to accept and give honest efforts to make it successful. Almost in every case clients need organizational restructure, where new skilled people are to be hired or train existing members with the required skills. We help companies in modeling methods of motivation that work well in such cases. We are practitioners, not preachers, and we help lower whatever barriers to improvement are discovered. We do not just provide expert advice but also offer practical help in improving the organization’s future performance.

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